Originally Posted on Dec. 31st, 2017
So while many celebrate the miracle on the ice that happened in 1980, something far more significant happened this weekend while my wife and I were touring the Historic Arena. As we were leaving a woman with her children were standing outside in line purchasing tickets to go into the Arena. One of her children pushed over the heavy steel barrier and it came crashing down on her foot. She yelled in extreme pain. Since it happened almost directly in front of me, I immediately knelt down beside her and asked her if she wanted the pain to go…initially she replied no, so I asked her again and she replied yes. I then commanded all pain out and her foot to be made new in Jesus Mighty Name. I asked her to check her pain, it had greatly reduced. I asked if I could pray one more time and she agreed. After I prayed again, she had no more pain and she was able to get up and walk pain free! Her family was amazed!
Remember there is Power in the Mighty Name of Jesus! Never shy away from praying for people in public!
So rejoice in the Miracle of a foot being instanteously healed and for a woman learning that Jesus both Loves her and Healed her!