Originally Written Feb, 25th, 2018

Then some Jews arrived from Antioch and Iconium and won the crowds to their side. They stoned Paul and dragged him out of town, thinking he was dead. But as the believers gathered around him, he got up and went back into the town. The next day he left with Barnabas for Derbe.
Acts of the Apostles 14:19-20 NLT
Recently in my devotional time I came across these verses and for the first time I saw with clarity what was being said. The Apostles, were like the Super Heroes of their day. They lived each and every day so completely sold out to Jesus that nothing could stop them from Preaching the Good News of the Word of God.
Here in these verses, take time to meditate on what is being said. Paul was stoned by the Jews and left for dead. They didn’t simply throw one or two rocks at him and he was like, ouch that hurts, stop that. No they kept throwing rocks at him until he was bloody and bruised and was considered dead by those stoning him. Do you realize how brutally he was beaten? Those around him would look and say, good riddance, we are finally rid of him! BUT…I love the next verse! When the believers gathered around him, he simply got up and the next day he traveled to the next town to keep on preaching the Gospel!
Read the verse carefully, it doesn’t say they prayed, it doesn’t say the cared for His wounds, they simply gathered around him and He Got Up! The Jews left him for dead and the next day he walked to the next town to continue preaching the Word! That is the Wonder Working Power of a Life Transformed and Fully Submissive and Obedient in every aspect to JESUS! All Glory and Honor to Our Mighty Lord and King!
So today, if you are being beaten and battered by the world and the trials the enemy is sending your way…Get to Church! Surround yourself with your Brothers and Sisters in Christ and Get Up! Walk in Victory today over the schemes of the enemy…In TheMighty Name of Jesus I declare every chain, every addiction, every attack on your lives via sickness, finances, strife, etc BROKEN AND DESTROYED In JESUS MIGHTY NAME!
Have a Victorious Day, the chains are BROKEN!