The Amazing symbolism of the Flag of the Nation of Israel 🇮🇱
So thanks to John Moscato @moscatohobbymodels for starting my research off in the right direction! Very much appreciated!
Here is what I found based on my research concerning the Flag of the Nation of Israel 🇮🇱
The blue bands and the 6 points both point to the 613 commands that the Jews were/are required to obey.
Take a listen and be encouraged, Israel has always been and will always be God’s chosen people.
Scripture References
Numbers 15:37-41
Exodus 39:24-26
#israel #bible #chosenpeople #tallit #tzitzit #starofdavid #sealofsolomon #prayershawl #hebrew #jewish #torah #exodus #numbers #nationofisrael #prayforisrael #ephod #tunic #pomegranates #tassels #cords #knots