How do we do that? By Speaking The Truth in Love! Now what many don’t realize is that often when you speak the Truth in Love, it hurts, tough conversations hurt sometimes. Just like pruning a tree, but what is the end result, Health and Wholeness and especially in the case of our Lives, Righteousness and Holiness!
So today, I want to fill you with Truth to Take Back the Rainbow and dispel and expose the lies that are circulating around this month.
Sadly many consider pride month, yet SIN is never something to be celebrated or exalted at any time nor in any way. SIN will always give birth to death. Some think that this only refers to physical death however, while definitely true, we must also realize that it causes mental, emotional and spiritual death while we are living. This weighs us down and steals or joy and our peace and causes us to live a life of constant turmoil.
It’s time for us to all Stop Glorifying Sin and Time for us to Break Free from All SIN and Start Living Free in Jesus!
Let me make things simple and clear. In life the creator or inventor of a product is the one who tells us how a product is supposed to be used. We might try and argue with the creator and tell them our opinion of how we feel their product should be used, however it will never work as intended and there will be multiple consequences for using the product improperly some even resulting in death. Now I have compared this to physical products but now let me show you the Truth of my Example. God created US, We are Made in His Image. He Made us Male and Female, He Defined what LOVE Is and what it most definitely is Not! When We follow the Creator’s Plan, there will never be negative consequences but only Health and Wholeness and Joy! The world has tried to redefine what Love is…all of those are mere opinions and will always have negative consequences that will always bring pain, anguish, depression, hatred and even death. That is why, we must do things God’s Way. He is the Divine Creator and we are made in His Image!
Now this applies to Everything Equally!
In other words, If you are a Man and a Woman, Sex outside of Marriage is called Fornication and it is a SIN. As well, God, Our Creator told us that Two would Become one in Marriage. One Man married to One Woman for Life, that is God’s Plan and when you abide in His Plan, there will never be negative consequences. Now I am not saying marriage won’t have difficulties and growing pains, you are merging two separate lives, backgrounds, thought processes into one…there will be some fireworks but as long as God is at the center of the marriage He Will give you Strength and Wisdom and you will grow and flourish!
You will notice that I addressed True One Man and One Woman Marriage First, that is because it is important to see and understand the original planned by the creator so that it is easy to discern and spot the counterfeits! As well, just because someone is in a heterosexual relationship, does not immediately mean that you are doing things God’s Way! Living with someone like a married couple, is not God’s Way, there is no covenant! Sleeping around with a different person everyday or week or month, definitely not God’s way! You see even though someone might be in a heterosexual relationship, unless there is covenant, it’s Not God’s Plan and Intention. If you are living with someone and call yourselves Christian, then I implore you to immediately repent and Get Married! Stop Living in SIN! We cannot do things our way and expect God to Bless Them!!
Now the obvious, for anyone living in an homosexual lifestyle. I hear your heart, I see your fear and pain. I know you were abused and attacked either physically, verbally or emotionally when you were a child. Those hurts caused you to make certain judgements to protect yourself, or so you thought. God did not make you that way, God Made you In His Image. The enemy has done everything possible to attack your mind and poison your heart. God sees your continual battle and desire to be accepted, it is time to Run to His Open arms. One thing, once you Run to Jesus, you will never be the same! He will take your past, He will take your fears, He will take your confusion and He will nail it to the cross so it no longer has any hold on you…This He Has Already Done! But then you must make the choice to give up everything that you aren’t to become who He Made You To Be! Whenever we come to Jesus, we can never be the same after that True Encounter with the God of the Universe! He will transform you from the Inside Out! All of us have Sinned, All of Us Need Jesus our Saviour! Today is the Day of Salvation! Today is the Day of Freedom! Today is the Day of Walking in the Destiny of Who God Created you to Be! Stop listening to the lies, stop living in fear and pain and depression, Stop Living in SIN and Start Living For Jesus Today!!
If you have read this and realize your need to repent, then please pray the following;
Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus. I recognize that You LOVE me and sent Your Son to remove the sin which separates me from You. Father, I respond to Your love and REPENT of ALL past SIN. Please forgive me and cleanse me by the BLOOD of JESUS CHRIST. By faith, Father, I now receive Your forgiveness and cleansing in Jesus Name, and I thank You that Your Word says that I am now brought near by the Blood of Jesus Christ through which I enter BLOOD COVENANT RELATIONSHIP with You today.

LORD JESUS CHRIST I invite You to come into my life, and I SUBMIT TOTALLY to You. I ask You to be LORD of my SPIRIT, SOUL (mind, thoughts, will, intellect, and emotions), and my BODY.

Now by faith I confess that sin shall no more have dominion over me because your Spirit lives in me. I also confess that I am SAVED; and under covenant through Jesus Christ to receive the promises that are for me (salvation, deliverance, healing, and God’s promises).

Yes and Amen! I renounce the lordship of satan or any authority besides Christ over every area of my spirit, soul (mind, thoughts, will, intellect, and emotions), and my body. I renounce every hold or influence of the devil in ALL areas of my life including everything inherited through the generations because the Word tells me I have a NEW FATHER and I only inherit from Him now. (At this point, deal with any specific things such as witchcraft or occult etc. which must be specifically renounced).

Lord Jesus, You are the BAPTISER in the HOLY SPIRIT, and I ask You to baptize me with the Holy Spirit and FIRE. I believe by faith that I have the same access to the power of the Holy Spirit and rights to every spiritual gift (1 Corinthians 12:4-11) that You gave to the early Church. So I pray that You will help me live and walk daily in all the fullness of the Spirit-filled life You intended for me. I open my heart for you to fill it now with Your Holy Spirit. Thank You, Jesus. Amen.

Respectfully, AKGW