The Time is Short and we MUST be Living in the Word and spending time in prayer daily!

We must learn how to let the Holy Spirit flow through us and we must become submissive and obedient to Him!

Walking in Divine Health is our Birthright as Sons and Daughters of God.

Healing the Sick is something we are commanded to do, so It Is Always God’s Perfect Will to Heal Everyone!!

Sickness regardless of it’s form is never ever of God and is always a curse, an oppression of the devil, therefore Do Not Tolerate it!! Not even for a millisecond!

As well, do not bow to Fear…fear is the gateway to all sickness…so slam that door shut and board it up, do not let fear get it’s foot in the door!

Here is a Very Bold and Clear Declaration that I am making as an Apostle;

God will never use sickness to call one of His Children Home…but the devil will use sickness to attempt to take a mighty warrior out! Apostle Kevin Gundry-White